The Wards of the Moon

The Wards of the Moon

A standalone high fantasy novel from the most famous and prolific fantasy authors in Georgia. 
Wards of the Moon follows characters from diverse backgrounds and times, who have all undergone a mysterious rite in a desert city overseen by an old hermit, who might be hiding his own agenda. 
The borders between time, space and worlds blur as the race gets more desperate and those not ruthless enough are sacrificed to achieve a nebulous goal.


About the author:

Nato Davitashvili has faced various obstacles as a pioneer female fantasy author in Georgia. Her first novel “Tale of Lile Iroeli” was published under a male pseudonym, advised to avoid expected ridicule and prejudice from readers. The novel was reprinted under her own name and was followed by many others, since becoming a household name as the author that gave Georgian mythology a new life in her novels.

Author has mainly drawn inspiration from Georgian myths and legends, however later in her career she has expanded to other sources. Her later novels have flavors of the middle-east, more specifically - Persian folklore and the 1001 nights. While not of Georgian origin, those tales and myths have had a huge influence on Georgian culture throughout the centuries and excerpts from Shahnameh have been told as fairy tales to young kids.

While the tone in her books has always been hopeful and somewhat heroic, in Wards of the Moon the author is not afraid to confront the darker side of humanity and lay out a story with no clear heroes. What can a good person achieve, when the world itself might be a creation of careless, bored gods?
In Return: Humans & Others and Bestiary of Orsi Nato Davitashvili has stepped away from fantasy a bit to explore science fiction. However in these stories her trademark magical spark is still present.

Publication date2024
EditorAna Kiasashvili
ProofreaderAna Kiasashvili
TypesetterNikoloz Sulaberidze